Animes I'm watching at the moment.. [unavailable..]
Songs on my playlist at the moment..
= blessings =
Friday, April 15, 2005

OMG... Dear ?!?!

isn't she adorable.. ?
" smile wide =) "
The food's coming soon, Hunn.. smilee.. smilee..
* JEPRET~!! *

Ever experience a moment when you think that your life can't be better than what is it right now.. ?

Ever felt so thankful of all the things thats been happening around you ?

Ever wish that those moments above can last as long as we want.. ? To just stop time and drown yourself in the serenity and happiness ?

Well ?

I can safely say that I'm in that kind of state right now.. =) weird, huh ?

Its the middle of the semester, I haven't done quite lot of my Uni work, I should be quite depressed, stressed and prolly half-insane by now, but yet..

Well.... maybe its not that weird at all XD I usually did half of my semester work on my last week, so being calm, content and confident plus happy probably sounds normal ^^ but this kind of moment, this kind of happiness.. I can honestly say that its my first time experiencing all this..

And for all that, I can say my thanks to ( obviously ) God for being so generous for the past few months of my life ( not that He wasn't before that... but the past few months were just absolutely eye-opening and fantastic.. ) and the one that made all the feelings, all the happiness possible.. the one and only, Dian Reski Gunawan.. MY ANGEL ~!!

Tonight was our 5th Month Anniversary, and I couldn't ask for a better night than tonight. In fact, I don't even think such night is possible unless at 14th February 2005 I'm having my 1st year anniversary, won a Million Dollar Lotto, my parents won a how-many-million Rupiah raffle back in Jakarta, got a job in an international-class Design Agency as an Art Director, have 8 digits in my Bank Account in Perth AND the next day is Sunday... but wouldn't that be too much to ask ? *puppy eyes* LOL xD xD

As for tonight... We had dinner in this really nice Steak house in Perth, Hog's Breath, and it was the nicest meal I've had in ages, I should say =) ( excluding moi Dear's Bento and Sushis ) it was when we were waiting for the food when I look straight in front of me, and realize that life, as it is, is enough for me. I have the best girlfriend, fiancee, soulmate I could ever imagine. That, for me, is one helluva rejuvenation from this tiring, oh-so fast moving world...

I don't even know what more I should say.. I just feel terribly grateful and thankful for what I've been given.. For what I have and for what I will fight to have.. For all of those aren't what I'm worthy of, but yet I have all these..

So.. thats prolly the current view of my life from me own eyes.. =)

About other things... Winter's here in Perth already, and the weather can be really annoying sometimes... They get really nice at the time you're doing ur assignment, then all the drowsiness come and the sleepiness take over your body.. Next thing you know its' morning and you're screwed up.. xD happened to me 3 semesters before, and boy does it really scare the crap outta you... So people, specially Uni Students, prepare your instant coffees ready and get some of those energy drinks ( altho they can't really help at times o_O )

oh ya.. for peepz that actually play Initial D, I went into the top 30 rank in Australia *yippie* bhwahahaha doesn't sound that interesting isn't it ? =____= *sob sob* but I'm quite happie 'bout that since I had my ass kicked quite hard back in Indo when I was still a n00b T__T

and for my Dear... KEEP ON PLANTING THOSE "PO TA" and "TO MA" TOES ~!! You'll get rich and you can buy a cow, can renovate your house, can get married, can even buy the whole entire town ~!!! *tee hee* KANI KANI KANI KANI nyuk nyuk nyuk nyuk gosh how I love you...

ganbatte, minna san ~! Lets get our ass outta this semester nicely =D ! *poof*

[ c r e s c e n t ] last hugged his Elmo at 12:14 AM
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